Re/max Affinity Plus
The Waldren Team, Re/max Affinity PlusPhone: (239) 564-4523
Email: [email protected]

January Active Inventory and Closed Sales Analysis

by The Waldren Team 02/05/2025

Hello there everybody! Check it out - we have our first bits of 2025 monthly data to report on, and the results are not too surprising as 2024 trends continue. We would like to remind folks reading once again - we are quite busy thus far this year and that means the market down here still knows how to move! You have likely noticed national articles pointing out a slow market; that has not been the norm thus far on lovely Marco Island, and later this month we will be sharing a blog post highlighting the differences between our local market and the market at large - stay tuned! For now, let's dive into the data for January 2025.

Current Inventory

Another month of inventory increases across the board, and this change is pretty staggering. Total inventory on the Island is up to 737, up from 648 at the start of the month. That's about a 14% increase, which definitely represents a strong jump between months. Just a reminder - it typically takes 1-2 months between the time a contract comes together and the time a home sells for the data to show, so we are now seeing data that occurred completely during season. What's more, this will be the case for the next few months as well, so odds are a very active market shall continue onward.

Closed Sales

On the closed sales front, the current market's impact tells numerous tales as usual. Regarding closed sales numbers, single-family homes are a bit lower than January 2024's numbers, while closed condo sales jumped. Average prices, on the other hand, remained consistent regardless of property type, as sellers present sharper priced properties to buyers.  This helps properties move faster. In the case of condos, however, budget and reserve changes have led to some additional hesitation, but assosications are at work to manage these changes. 

2025 is already throwing some fascinating stuff at us, so stay tuned for more thrilling updates!

About the Author

The Waldren Team

Hello, we are The Waldren Team (Christine, Michael & Farrah) and we are happy to assist you with all your Marco Island & Naples real estate needs. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional team by your side. We'd be honored to put our real estate experience to work for you. Let Our Knowledge Be Your Guide.